Which certification is right for you?

Iasa certifications are the first global industry architect certifications that are completely vendor independent and run only by practicing architects. Iasa provides four levels of certification which describe the major milestones in an architect’s career.

Regardless of where you are in your career Iasa Global has a certification for you. The Iasa Certification Program delineates a four-tier certification path designed to level-set architects based on a combination of criteria including education, experience and test-based examination of professional knowledge of architectural skills and management.

Certification highlights:

  • Written by architects – vendor agnostic
  • Knowledge and experience based
  • Multiple levels – Foundation through Professional
  • Exams deployed online and onsite
  • Multiple review board options

Certification overviews (Click on titles for more info):


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CITA-Distinguished certification is awarded to the leading BT Architects of our time and validated by the community of practicing architects in the form of a professional association, rather than companies, vendors, or governments.  This method of certification has historically been the only successful process for professionalization, as can be documented by other professions, Doctors, Lawyers, Building Architects, etc.

This CITA-D certification will enhance the credibility and capability of successful candidates and provide assurance to employers that CITA-Distinguished Architects are able to practice and lead large multimillion dollar projects and programs. 

Target Audience

A minimum of 10 years in the industry as a practicing architect. The CITA-Professional level certificate is highly recommended but not mandatory. Extensive documentation is required prior to being scheduled to sit this review board.


The Iasa community is at the forefront in providing the most current skills training, best practices and business development strategies. Our courses and certification examinations are lead by the Iasa Board of Education, which is a volunteer, member-based board of certified architects who are responsible for setting our global curriculum, certification and education policies.


Prices and product availability are subject to change without notice. Prices may vary by region. Email us at [email protected] for group prices. If an error is made and a product is listed at an incorrect price, Iasa Global shall maintain the right to refund or cancel orders placed at the incorrect price. We reserve the right to limit quantities on promotion products. Separate policies apply for specific offers within this website. See individual offer policies and notes for details.

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Architect Foundation Exam
Iasa has developed the first technology and vendor agnostic architecture certification career path adopted by many companies, local computer societies, and individual members. Full Iasa membership is required before obtaining Iasa certification.
Certified IT Architect - Distinguished
CITA-Distinguished certification is awarded to the leading BT Architects of our time and validated by the community of practicing architects in the form of a professional association, rather than companies, vendors, or governments. The CITA-D credential is achieved by passing a board of your peers who have already obtained the CITA-D certification level or higher. The board will consist of four reviewers and a moderator. The candidate will make a presentation and answer questions... Details
Certified IT Architect - Professional
The biggest distinguishing factor for the CITA-Professional certification is that it is validated by the community of practicing architects in the form of a professional association, rather than companies, vendors, or governments. The CITA-P credential is achieved by passing a board of your peers who have already obtained the CITA-P certification level or higher. The board will consist of two reviewers and a moderator. The candidate will make a presentation and answer questions over ... Details
CITA Associate Retake Exam
This is for individuals that have failed an exam previously. Individuals can apply for a retake if within 1 year of failed exam.
CITA Foundation Retake Exam
This is for individuals that have failed an exam previously. Individuals can apply for a retake if within 1 year of failed exam.
Comparing Frameworks and Methodologies
Typically, the architecture framework documents the building blocks that make up all of an organization’s information assets. These assets include all of the systems across the organization’s business units. From the architect’s perspective this includes: information assets, business plans, system performance and structure and the related processes. Architecture frameworks organize, categorize, and define relationships between these information assets.

Course... Details
Effective Meetings
A meeting can be defined as an instrument of communication, an exchange of information between people with the goal of reaching a common objective. Meetings should not be seen as a waste of time and a distraction from daily work.

This 60 minute self-paced online course delivers an interactive training to help students understand what makes an effective meeting, the 4 keys of an effective meeting, and an interactive quiz to test your understanding of the material learned ... Details
Exam Extension
Extend the period within which you can access an exam for an additional 60 days. Note the initial period is 60 days.
Iasa Self Assessment
Ready to start? This individual self-assessment will take you at least 20 minutes and must be completed in one session.

As you may already know, there are five competency pillars made up of 42 skills, each with five levels. You can read more in the BTABoK capability model.
Introduction to Leadership
This 60 minute self-paced online course delivers an interactive training to help students understand what makes you a leader, the 5 keys of leadership, different styles of leadership and effective communication styles. Interactive quizzes to test your understanding of the material learned is included.

Lesson 1 – What Makes You a Leader
Lesson 2 – Leader’s Attitude
Lesson 3 – Effective Communication
Lesson 4 – General... Details
IT Governance
The primary focus of IT governance is the stewardship of IT resources on behalf of various stakeholders whose ranking is established by the organization’s governing body. This e-book provides a high level understanding of what is to be achieved from the leveraging of IT resources and how to create value for the stakeholders based on the direction given by those who govern.

Topics Covered
Governance Overview, Enterprise governance, Changing the nature of governance, ... Details
Management of Meetings
This 60 minute self-paced online course delivers an interactive training to help students understand what makes an effective meeting, the 4 keys of an effective meeting, and an interactive quiz to test your understanding of the material learned is included.

Course Objectives
- Learn general business etiquette when attending a meeting
- How to make future meetings effective
- How to respond to issues with a meeting
Negotiation 101
Believe it or not, you negotiate everyday! Whether it be with your friends, family, co-worker, customer or dry cleaner. Why not learn or improve upon the skills needed to make yourself a better negotiator? This 60 minute self-paced online course delivers an interactive training to help students understand negotiation tactics, body language and types of power during negotiating. Downloadable reference documents and templates as well as interactive quizzes to test your understanding... Details
Presentation Skills
Presentation skills play an important role in business. This 60 minute self-paced online course delivers an interactive training will offer you techniques to help improve your skills and confidence when faced with speaking to others. At the end of the course there is an interactive quiz to test your understanding of the material learned.

Course Objectives
- Learn general business etiquette when presenting
- Learn the best method of communicating a... Details