Iasa, with our long standing partners from the Swedish Computer Society – Dataföreningen Kompetens will host the next in-person Solution (CITA-A) class in Stockholm in February 2025.
Solution Architect is an expert in many categories. They should have hands-on experience in multiple industries and across several disciplines. They can master a variety of hardware platforms including mainframes, distributed platforms, desktops, and mobile devices. Akin to that, they should also possess skill and understanding of a variety of Operating Systems. A broad and deep understanding of Databases is also required.
The Iasa Solution Architect training develops an architect’s skills to effectively function as a project delivery architect for midsize to large projects using common techniques and procedures. To find out more and be part of this course with our partners DFK please: REGISTER HERE
Learn more about Dataföreningen Kompetens at https://www.dfkompetens.se/om-df-kompetens/